Guided Tour to Santa Maria del Mar and its rooftops (in English)
Antolatzailea: Volta Serveis Culturals
Santa Maria del Mar. Passeig del Born, 3
Mapa ikusi
Santa Maria del Mar. Passeig del Born, 3
Eguna aukeratu
Gertaeraren xehetasuna
Get to know Santa Maria del Mar from bottom to top. Walk through the interior, go down to the crypt, go up to the galleries and admire the views from the rooftops (35 meters high) following the explanations of a specialized guide.
More information
- The tour lasts about 1 hour
- Meeting point: 5 minutes before the start at the counter you’ll find inside the church, as you go in from Passeig del Born.
- Visitors under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
- There are also visits in catalan and in spanish.
Precautions and accessibility
- In order to access the rooftops it is necessary to climb up a flight of well-illuminated spiral stairs with windows. The stairs are not adapted for people with mobility issues.
- Access to the rooftops is discouraged for people with severe heart or respiratory problems.
General terms
- Both the schedule and the route may eventually vary due to celebrations in the church.
- The organisation can cancel the session due to adverse weather conditions or other unexpected circumstances. In that case, the organisation will refund the tickets or switch them for a different date.
- E-mail:
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Volta Serveis Culturals
Iritziak (36) 36 Iritziak